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Pupil Premium Expenditure 2019/20
The Pupil Premium is allocated according to the number of pupils on-roll who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), a smaller amount is allocated for and those children of service families, ‘Looked After’ (in care) for 6 months or more. In 2012, funding was extended to include pupils who have been eligible for free school meals within the past 6 years.
Schools decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individuals. However, schools are accountable for how they have used the funding in supporting pupils from low-income families. This money is then used to support children in school to ensure they achieve standards in line with other children, what the government refer to as 'closing the gap.'
We have a high amount of free school meals in the country and in some classes there are only 2 or 3 children who are non-free school meals.  This means we often use monies on whole class/whole school initiatives as it would be difficult to exclude such a small minority.
 Pupil Premium Strategy
Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-2020
At Woodside Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that each individual pupil receives the very best education allowing them to reach their full potential academically and socially. This belief is reflected in our school vision:
We need to provide an education that will enable each individual to utilise a variety of skills and intelligences in order to meet challenges with determination and confidence.
Our inclusive and nurturing culture ensures that we have the highest expectations and that we continually strive to ensure that no pupil is left behind. We want all our children to achieve to their maximum potential, no matter what their situation.
When deciding how to spend the Pupil Premium Grant ('PPG') it is important that we look at the potential barriers to learning faced by Pupil Premium pupils in the context of our school. The reasons for underachievement are many and varied and include:
  • Less support at home
  • Social and emotional difficulties due to complex family situations
  • Attendance and punctuality difficulties.
  • Low aspirations
  • Narrow experiences of life outside school
Although this covers most children, each child entitled to the PPG is unique in their situation and our response to their needs must reflect this.
With this in mind, at Woodside we aim to build the capacity and expertise to enable us to provide support in order to allow each child to reach his/her full potential.
Our key objective in using the PPG is to narrow the attainment and achievement gap between those entitled to Pupil Premium and those not. We have a high proportion of PPG children and non-PPG are in a minority.  Very often, these non-PPG children also attain less well than children nationally so often we will utilise whole class initiatives.
We will always ensure that:
  • A high profile is given to Pupil Premium Pupils
  • All staff are accountable for the progress of Pupil Premium children
The progress and attainment of all pupils at Woodside is carefully tracked and analysed from a rich field of data in order to draw conclusions and develop action plans. We also make use of a range of educational research in order to decide how best to spend our funding to maximise the opportunities for our pupils. Also, we aim to give our children access to arts and cultural experiences that they might otherwise not have.
Our funding priorities for 2019-2020  fall into 4 key areas:
  1. Learning and the Curriculum
  2. Parents and Families
  3. Social and Emotional Support
  4. Enrichment within and beyond the curriculum
Learning and the Curriculum
  • Providing a range of proven teacher and TA led interventions including Nurture support and Read,Write Inc
  • Utilisation of experienced teacher for RE and Art education
  • Additional curriculum eg music classes
  • Individual interventions eg Talk Boost, IDL
Parents and Families
  • Breakfast club costs
  • Improving attendance and punctuality-awards
  • Free meals
Social and Emotional Support
  • Purchase of EWO and Support Workers
  • Purchase of Educational Psychologists
Enrichment Within and Beyond the Curriculum
  • Wide variety of clubs
  • Performances
We will review our strategy in July 2020
 Please see the table below for proposed PPG spending for the academic year 2019-2020
Pupil Premium Plan 2019/2020

'Educating with pride, learning together.'

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